April 2018 Travels – Part 1

Acadia Beach
Acadia Beach

My med school buddy visited me from Kansas in the first week of April and it was SO MUCH FUN! It was her first time in Vancouver and I wanted to take her to so many places!

Initially we wanted to travel East to Banff but it was snowy, rainy and cold. Instead we toured in and around Vancouver and then went West to Vancouver Island. It initially rained but even then there was so much beauty! Eventually there was sunlight and warmth! Totally worth it!

*** The pictures you will see in the next few posts are a mix of mine and my friend’s AWESOME Apple phone!


April 5: My friend arrived! We relaxed, hung out in Richmond with my other best buddy. Treated her to Tim Horton’s coffee and Timbits, had pho and dairy-free gelato! Caught up on our lives 🙂 ❤



April 6: Pacific Spirit Regional Park hiked to Acadia Beach. Ate BP & Jelly sandwiches and chips by the beach. We just sat, took in the scenery of the water and mountains.

Drove to Vancouver downtown and met up with Hubby. We spent time walking around Gastown, saw the Steam Clock, ate at MeeT at Gastown. The vegan food was delicious as always and my friend got her first taste of Poutine!

After this, we called it a night, slept well and got ready for the next day of adventures….Ferry Ride to Vancouver Island!

Come back for more adventures and pics!

Peace, Love and Happiness always!



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